Tagged: Penang

Settling into Penang

As always, I am here to report our progress and the inevitable change that we witness on our Sunflower Journey.  There is so much, and I have been slack at keeping more regular posts...

Establishing routines as domesticity returns

I’ve said it before, and quite frankly I am destined to keep on saying it – Every week is #oneweekon and a lot can, and will change.  This past week has been no different with...

Undivided Attention

This is the longest gap between posts, and for you avid followers (Mum, Mum-in-Law), I deeply apologise. What respect I now have for solo parents.  It is amazing on many levels, in a way...

Boys start school in Penang

It was quite a trek returning from Phnom Penh to Penang, more due to the emotionalism of such a quick decision to abandon Cambodia (and J!) earlier than planned.  The boys and I each...