Battambang Butterfly Cycle Tour – by Z

The Butterfly tour is a tour on bicycles we did the tour that we could go on. We went on bikes that were from Battambang bike shop. The guy put seats on the back of the bikes and foot rests.
We cycled past CAD1.  Before we were at the computer lab we stopped at a family that made rice paper.  It was fun watching.
How they made it
They make rice paper with a little stove.  It wasn’t like a real stove.  When they made it they put it on the rack and left it to dry for five minutes.
Then we settled to a family that made dried bananas.
How to make them
You peel the bananas thin but long.  Then you put them on bamboo racks and put them in the sun for 5 hours but if it is raining you have to put them out for a day.  But if they do not dry you have to throw them away.
Making dried bananas, Battambang Cambodia

Making dried bananas, Battambang Cambodia

The End.  Again.  Yeah.

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1 Response

  1. Jilly Cook says:

    Wow Zac! That’s a really brilliant description. I think you could be .learning more at Sunflower School than at Kadimah School? I loved it and I love you. Mimixxxxx